23rd International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology

06th – 09th November, 2023


Following the example of the BIOMAT 2022 International Symposium on line, registration fees are not obligatory and have been reduced to a minimal of EUR 50.00 (fifty euros) for the BIOMAT 2023 International Symposium online. On behalf of the BIOMAT Consortium, we thank all those who could afford to pay this amount or something more.
Please use the bank details below.

In order to send your personal data, please click here

Bank data:

Beneficiary: BIOMAT Consortium - International Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences

CNPJ: 18.314.208/0001-40 / "BIOMAT Consortium - International Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences"

Beneficiary Bank: Banco Santander (Brasil) S.A.

Account number: 13002827-4

Branch Id: 3677


IBAN CODE: BR44 9040 0888 0367 7013 0028 274C 1

City: Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Country: Brazil