Registration Fees
Before and on September 30, 2019
Students ---------------------------------150 Euro
Faculty Members and all other Professionals--------300 Euro
On and after October 01, 2019
Students --------------------------------- 200 Euro
Faculty Members and all other Professionals------- 400 Euro
The deadline for sending registration fees to the bank is October 19.
Late registration should be done in cash at the conference venue. Credit cards are not accepted. The registration office will open from Sunday afternoon October 20 to Tuesday morning October 22. Participants who are not allowed to send payments abroad, should pay their registration fees accordingly.
The conference fees will include:
1. Coffee-Breaks;
2. Conference portfolio kit and badge;
3. Participation in the BIOMAT Consortium General Assembly on Wednesday, October 23, 2019
4. Certificate of Participation or Certificate of Paper Presentation on the BIOMAT 2019 International Symposium.
You can send your personal data Please click here for registration before payment, but please remember that your registration will be confirmed only after you send a photograph or scanned image of your bank deposit.
Please state the name of the registered person when making the bank deposit on an e-mail to:
Please send your payment to:
Beneficiary: BIOMAT Consortium - International Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences
CNPJ: 18.314.208/0001-40 (The bank deposit should contain this number and the name "BIOMAT Consortium - International Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences")
Beneficiary Bank: Banco Santander (Brasil) S.A.
Account number: 130028274-4
Branch Id: 3677
IBAN CODE: BR44 9040 0888 0367 7013 0028 274C 1
City: Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Country: Brazil